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Prezența strategică a iO Partners în Croația

Căutare printre proprietăți

Despre Croația

Piața imobiliară din Croația a fost destul de dinamică, fiind influențată de mai mulți factori, inclusiv popularitatea crescândă a țării ca destinație turistică, dezvoltarea economică și investițiile străine.

This positive economic outlook is fostering growth and stimulating confidence in the commercial real estate market. New retailers are showing interest in entering the market, with most new developments in Budapest being mixed-use.


iO Partners is committed to setting new standards in real estate through data and technology.


in transactions (sold and bought)


valuation of properties


sqm office space leased

Our Leadership

Meet our Managing Director.

iO Partners Croatia strives to create a win-win situation where our clients get the expected results delivered by making commercial real estate decisions easy.

Andrew Peirson

Managing Director

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